torsdag 3 februari 2011

Kairo och dess namn

krigsguden(demonfursten) mars el ares
al najm al qahir=the star(planet) the destroyer

Staden Kairo som kallas Al-qahirah på arabiska. Namnet sägs stamma från det arabiska namnet för planeten mars "al najm al qahir",planeten mars som är döpt efter romarnas krigsgud(demonfurste).
De första arkeologiska lämningarna av staden är från romartiden och är resterna av en befästning från första århundradet efter kristus,som kontrollerade skeppsfarten på Nilen. Romarna kallade staden Egyptens Babylon.

Jag citerar:
"The name Al-Qahirah literally means "The Subduer," though it is often translated as "The Victorious." The name "Cairo" is believed to derive from the Arabic name of the planet Mars, "Al Najm Al Qahir," which was rising on the day the city was founded by the Fatimid Dynasty in 972 C.E."

"The origin of Al-Qahirah is said to come from the appearance of the planet Mars during the foundation of the City of Cairo. The planet Mars, which in Greek was called Aries, was associated with ruin or destruction and was called “Al Najm Al Qahir” in Arabic. “Al Najm Al Qahir” is transliterated as “the star [planet] the destroyer”. The legacy of the name evolved into “Qahirat Al Adaa” meaning “subduer of the enemies”. This title was given to the city as many armies were destroyed in attempts to invade Cairo or defeated elsewhere by troops sent from the settlement. The Arabic word “qa’id” means commander of the castle or fortress. “Alqaida” means base or camp. The root of these words is seen in the Romanized Arabic word “qa’ad”, which means to live, dwell, or sit, which in Swahili is “kaa”. The prefix of Qahirah is related to the English words chair [throne] and couch. “Qa” corresponds to the Latin word “cola” meaning seat [tail] and cultivated land. “Colline” means a hill. The prefix of Cairo may also mean the landing or the quay, the small hill by the river, that serves as a wharf. Arabic “kharab” is transliterate as the “settlement ruins”. From “kharab” come the English words harbinger and harbor. In Swahili, “harabu” means to ruin or destroy, and the Persian word “karo” means army or the camp of an army. Cairo then means the “camp wars”, the “colony harries”, which comes from Mars, or Aries–the Camp of the God of War, the the Camp of the Harrier. German “heer” means army."


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