onsdag 1 december 2010

Gud beskyddade USA:s kust från orkaner 2010

2010 Atlantic Hurricane Season Oddly Active
Orkansäsongen 2010 i Atlanten var en av de mest aktiva som registrerats, men trots det så höll sig orkanerna borta från USA:s östkust och gulfkust.

En amerikansk meteorolog säger"This was a strange, strange season," said Keith Blackwell, a meteorologist at the University of South Alabama's Coastal Weather Research Center in Mobile.

"It was almost like we had a hurricane repellent over the U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast. The storms were out there, but they just didn't approach the U.S."

"This year was the first time in recorded history that as many as 12 named hurricanes formed in the Atlantic without at least one of them making a U.S. landfall, said forecasters Phil Klotzbach and William Gray at Colorado State University."

"That stands out as the most remarkable feature of the 2010 season," said Jeff Masters, meteorological director for the Weather Underground website.

"Normally you'd expect four hurricanes to hit the U.S. with that kind of activity."

källa:national geographic

1 kommentar:

  1. Det är inget problem till de. De hade ju länge sedan ignorerat naturen. Arkitekter tittar på skog som "icke-utnyttjad land", fast för naturen det finns inget "tomma platser".

    Så, globala klimatet är inget att tänka på. Allt går som vanligtvis. DÄREMOT blir STRAX problem om deras aktiemarknad rasar ihop eller något annat ekonomiskt ändras.
